Wednesday, August 17, 2005

JOE RANFT 1960-2005

We are all deeply saddened by the sudden news of the death of Joe Ranft, who was killed in a car accident yesterday near Mendocino. He was the great story guru and heart of Pixar Animation Studios . It is truly impossible to summarize the influence Joe has had on all of us in the animation and film industry. Our hearts go out to all of his family and friends....we'll miss you Joe.


Monday, August 15, 2005

In Your Face: A Dan Lee Tribute and Friends Exhibition

This is a tribute exhibition by friends honoring the multi-talented Pixar character designer Dan Lee ,who died earlier this year after a long battle with cancer.

Featured Artists: Dan Lee,Enrico Casarosa,Albert Lozano, Robert Kondo, Ronnie Del Carmen, Ernesto Nemesio, Paul Topolos, Louis Gonzalez, Liz Holmes, Daniel Arriaga, and Jay Shuster.
³In Your Face: A Dan Lee Tribute and Friends Exhibition²
@ The Canvas Gallery August 25 ­ September 25, 2005 @ The Canvas Gallery 1200 9th Ave & Lincoln